Schüleraustauschprojekt Bali / Brunsbüttel abgeschlossen

Der Schüleraustausch zwischen dem Gymnasium Brunsbüttel und der Juniorhighschool Harapan Harapan in Bali im April und August ist abgeschlossen. Hier einige Erfahrungen der Schüler und Schülerinnen

Von Austauschschülerinnen und –schülern aus Bali

In my guestfamily the mother taught me about how german people spread up their waste in different types and in different colored dustbins. When I saw that, I realized that if we were able to recycling it, we don’t need any field for throw it away. For me, AWD (Abfallwirtschaft Dithmarschen) was the most important activity that gives me an idea how we can recycle our construction material waste. This program was totally changing my mindset and awareness about environment.

For me, the most important experience was being together with German friends wether in Bali or in Germany. Where we had the opportunity to share our culture to eachother. And then, being in Germany to visit or to explore some memorable places especially a unique ecosystem in wattenmeer, was a very important experience too.

For me, the most important one was at Aladin. it was so great to learn about what do the german do with their rubbish and also to learn about their awareness to recycle their own trash. how they really care about their rubbish and want to take care of the environment. it really helps me to realize that i should start everything from myself first.

I got an open insight about Germany ... for example the history: what I learned before was only about Berlin wall, but when I visited Germany, especially In Genzdokumentationsstätte Lübeck-Schlutup, I saw firsthand the marks of "the separation of West and East Germany clearly and there were still objects" such as relics (army clothes, wire "guards, wall rubble, cars, etc.)

I would say, the most important experience was the Stone Age Park. Because we also don’t really know about the old era before we have been born. And Stone Age Park teach us a lot of old life and we did many activities there. Stone Age Park told us how to live more simple and use the nature things to make bread and fire. It was a good educational place for us. the most important experience is, that I can visit places that I never imagined and all the places I visited were amazing and increased my knowledge and especially in Bremerhaven I could feel the difference in climate, weather, flora and fauna on several continents.

I think the most important experience was in Aladin because we can see what the German people do with the waste, especially the bio waste. So from all the activities we have especially in Aladin we have more awareness about the problem that really happen nowadays around us.

Aus Brunsbüttel

We got the chance to learn from another culture and history just by talking with other students. But not just only the members of the exchange program were amazing, while our exchange we also had the possibility to meet great personalities, like Chris Brown and his reef gardeners. Because of this exchange we got the possibility to improve our knowledge about other cultures, to get in contact with amazing humans, to improve our personalities and to find new friends on another part of the world which I am very grateful for.

Another important thing was, that we learned a lot about how our environment is in danger and how we can help to save it keeping it alive. Also I liked seeing all this different kind of nature because then I saw how beautiful our nature and the earth is despite all these terrible things that are happening in todays world.

In my opinion the visit to the coral reefs was a really good experience, because we had the chance to see how a former dying coral reef has been brought back to an ecosystem full of live and colours. I also think that every other experiences were good too, because we learned something new with every action we made. Because we interacted with the different cultures on Bali and we learned to see Problems from other perspectives.

I think, that all of the activities we did, where very important because we learned so much about the country and the places we visited on Bali and in Germany. Every day was different and special on its own kind, like the climate house in Bremerhaven or Permuteran on Bali. It was very significant what we learned about ourself and about the world we life on, so we know now that we have to take care of it.

The exchange was a great experience for me as I have never been abroad before. I learned how people are living in indonesia (Bali), about family life and different cultures. I have met people who live on the other side of the earth but have similar environmental problems like us.

To me the most important experience was to get to know about our world's and environment's problems like the plastic rubbish pollution, the endangered species of corals and sea turtles and the measures against them from first hand perspective. No less important was it, of course, to be allowed to dive into a completely different culture than ours, show them something of our own and take some of theirs with us back home. I'm really happy I got the chance to meet and build up a good relationship with such wonderful and friendly people and even become part of their family.

Die Lehrkräfte

The most important aspect for us was to see how a group of students from very different countries and cultures came together and gradually became a community. They began to think about our world´s challenges in the future, when showing each other their unique cultural and environmental features. Nevertheless, all the students respected each other. Whenever anybody was weak or tired, the group could handle it. Also it was a great experience to see how the students here and in Bali were hosted by the families. Each family cared about the students so warmly and wonderfully that all students were very happy, but also very sad when they had to say goodbye to each other.

Von einer Lehrerin aus Bali

I was so grateful to be involved in the students and teachers exchange. This is such a great way to share culture and environmental issue. I do believe, this exchange will really change more people's life in the future because the experience will not only stay in our memories but be a big step for a better future.

Großer Empfang in Bali

Besuch einer Chemiefabrik in Dithmarschen

Besuch der Abfallwirtschaft in Dithmarschen

Übergabe der Zertifikate über den Austausch

Übergabe der von der Stiftung gesponserten Mikroskope für die Schule in Bali

Müllsammen am Strand

Alle in traditioneller Kleidung